Thursday, December 5, 2013

Podcast stuff

Here is the podcast I built with Emily Newton. It's about how she uses Twitter in the classroom. This particular podcast was modeled after 99% Invisible (which has an emphasis on design).

Here is a great episode about money design.

For all the pop-culture and comic fans, I give you Superman.

And this is a student favorite about a broken window.

Another big podcast that I go to on a consistent basis is Radiolab. This podcast tends to delve into science topics more so than 99%.

Here is one about Beethoven. It's an inquiry about the tempo markings in his music. How fast did he really intend for the pieces to be played?

Here is another one from Radiolab about Noel Blanc. He's the voice for Bugs Bunny, Pork Pig, and Tweety.

Podcast Episodes

1) Names---- "Say My Name, Say My Name"
2) Outside interests and conversations--- Getting personal----rapport
3) Creating a Safe space (use of language)
4) Mindset--- Effort based praise
5) Outside resources--- parents, teachers, students---- creating community outside the classroom

Drop Resources Here: J:\NHS\Fitch_Katherine\Drop

Early Release Brainstorming

To go with the visual that was provided below of the last time we met, here is the list we came up with:

Teachers Should
  • Learn each student’s name
  • Have a personal conversation with each student every six weeks
  • Learn at least one outside interest of each student
  • Tell other teachers about students’ success
  • Create a safe space
  • Avoid derogatory language
  • Give students specific praise about effort
  • Make positive phone calls home
  • Share their own interests/learning styles

Students should
  • Call each other by their given name
  • Call the teacher by their name
  • Feel comfortable asking questions
  • Honor the safe space
  • Avoid derogatory language
  • Not be afraid of wrong answers

**For our next early release meeting, we will be evaluating the items we brainstormed above for importance in the classroom as well as decide on a final product we will create. See you soon!**